Examples of Our Projects:
- Examined a State Medicaid Waiver HCBS unit for re-alignment of existing resources as a foundation for implementation of quality improvement activities
- Supported a State’s efforts to innovate (e.g. No Wrong Door, Money Follows the Person, Self-Directed Services, Case Management, Family Support and Person-Centered Planning)
- Under subcontract to New Editions Consulting, the Consortium participates as a part of HCBS-TA.org, sponsored by the Centers for Medicaid & Medicaid Services (CMS) to help states design and implement HCBS waivers and state plan amendments that fit their needs.
- Evaluated a State I/DD Case Management/Support Coordination system for improvements in service delivery
- Researched and evaluated mortality rates within a deinstitutionalized DD population
- Evaluated a State Medicaid Office implementation of statewide transportation service
- Provided consultative input on a State’s Employment First policies and practice
- Provided consultative input on several States’ deinstitutionalization planning
- Evaluated a State DD Office efforts at establishing a Family Support program
- Assessed two State’s statutory definitions of developmental disabilities and implementation in eligibility determination processes
- Conducted reviews and assessments of critical incident management systems in several state DD systems
- Evaluated mortality review data and systems in two States
- Provided training on how to serve individuals with I/DD and involvement with the criminal justice systems in HCBS systems.
- Provided training on positive behavior supports, functional behavioral analysis, and trauma-informed services to I/DD providers in several service regions of a State
- Conducted an evaluation of a State’s peer support system as a potentially reimbursable service
- Provided training to case managers/support coordinators on risk management and mitigation in self-directed services in a disability system
- Guided a project to promote the inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in their spiritual communities